Romanian Court Rules Andrew Tate Can Be Extradited to the UK

Self-described “misogynist” Andrew Tate faces extradition to the UK amidst allegations of sexual aggression, but only after his similar trial in Romania is concluded. Here’s the full story. 

Self-Described “Misogynist”

Infamous internet right-wing grifter, toxic masculinity influencer, and self-described “misogynist” Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan Tate have had a rapid rise and fall in the world of internet provocateurs masquerading as influencers. 

Tate first gained notoriety as a kickboxer, winning four world champion titles, before attempting to break into the mainstream by appearing on Big Brother in 2016. However, he was soon kicked off the show after a video surfaced in which he appeared to assault a woman.

Hustler’s University

Following this, online, Tate gathered a following of mostly young, impressionable men into his Hustler’s University, where he promised them money, power, and women through several disreputable and sometimes even illegal schemes. However, it’s Andrew Tates’s views on women, who he has described as “intrinsically lazy,” which garnered him attention outside his cult following of teenage boys.

However, this attention-getting may have backfired, as a Romanian court recently approved the United Kingdom’s request for his extradition. 

Tate does not have to return to the UK to face trial immediately, as the court has opted to delay the extradition until the conclusion of Tate’s ongoing criminal trial in Romania. The court’s decision follows the detention of Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan on Monday night. 

Sexual Aggression

The detention stems from allegations of sexual aggression dating back to the years 2012-2015. The UK arrest warrant, issued by Westminster Magistrates Court in London, prompted the pair’s detainment. 

Both Tate brothers denied the accusations against them in a statement issued through their PR team, which stated that the pair “categorically” deny the allegations against them. 

Upon his release from police custody, Andrew Tate claimed, “We are innocent men, we are very innocent men, and in time, everyone is going to see that, and we are very excited to finish this judicial process and clear our names.”

Ongoing Investigation

The Tate brothers’ detainment is part of an ongoing investigation by UK police into allegations of rape and human trafficking. In a statement to the Reuters news agency, the UK police clarified that they were working closely with the Romanian authorities. 

Eugen Vidineac, the legal counsel representing the Tate brothers, stated, “We appreciate the Bucharest Court of Appeal’s decision to postpone the extradition of Andrew and Tristan Tate.”

He continued: “This ruling provides an opportunity for the brothers to participate fully in their defence and for the legal process to proceed in a transparent manner.”

Human Trafficking and Rape

The legal battle began when Andrew Tate and his brother were indicted in Romania, along with two Romanian women, for charges including human trafficking, rape, and involvement in a criminal gang. The four defendants denied any accusations against them.

The case has been working slowly through the Romanian judicial system, with the Bucharest court’s preliminary chamber yet to determine whether the trial will proceed.

Meanwhile, the Tate brothers have faced legal constraints, including periods of police custody, house arrest, and a ban on the pair leaving the country. 

Unexpectedly Candid

Andrew Tate has previously been quite candid about the unethical ways he ran the online webcam operation, which made him the vast majority of his money.

Describing it as “a little webcam business from my apartment,” Tate once claimed on a podcast, “I had 75 women working for me in four locations and I was doing $600,000 a month from webcam.”

Tate also claimed, in a now-deleted page on his website, that he brought women into the “adult entertainment industry.”


Tate frequently used social media until most platforms banned him for his controversial and sexist views. However, he was reinstated to X, previously called Twitter, following Elon Musk’s takeover of the company. 

As the legal proceedings unfold in Romania and potentially the UK, the Tate brothers have been embroiled in a complex legal battle of their own making. 

After attempting to gain money and, most importantly, fame by any means necessary, apparently, the pair should have been more careful about what they wished for. 

The post Romanian Court Rules Andrew Tate Can Be Extradited to the UK first appeared on Pulse365.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / LCV.

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