Research Find Mothers Miss Out in Gender Pay Gap

According to new research, the penalty of being a mother is hugely contributing to the gender pay gap in the UK, which, after years of progress, has gotten worse since 2020. Research Reveals Pay Gap Woes PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has released research indicating that a combination of the “motherhood penalty” and insufficient support for women during … Read more

£1 Million to Muslim Soldier Memorial Fund to Honour Lives Lost

The Conservatives have announced a contribution of £1 million to build a memorial that honours the Muslim soldiers who have fought and died for the country after multiple allegations of Islamophobia have rocked the Tories. Unveiling the Budget Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the highly-anticipated, pre-election budget that has already come under scrutiny from both Labour … Read more

Army ‘Too Small’ to Defend UK Yet Chancellor Failed to Increase Spending

The Chancellor is facing criticism for his decision not to increase defense spending after an Army Chief warned the British army, in its current state, is “too small” to face Russia in a conflict. Global Conflicts Influence Predictions As Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the pre-election budget, he was expected to provide increased funding towards the … Read more

Male Guards Add to Trauma of Young Girls In Offender Institute

A Watchdog investigation has revealed concerning reports of male guards potentially adding more trauma to “Incredibly vulnerable” young girls in the form of strip searches at Wetherby Young Offender Institute. Allegations of Mistreatment in Young Offenders’ Institution A young girl held in Wetherby Young Offenders’ Institution was reportedly subjected to “deeply” shocking strip checks by … Read more

UK Children Contributing to Rising Obesity Levels Worldwide as Numbers Hit 1 Billion

Recent reports have confirmed that the global number of obese people has hit over 1 billion, with the UK contributing to a significant amount, many of whom are children. Alarming Global Obesity Rates More than a billion people worldwide are now identified as obese, according to updated estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), with … Read more